Explore the Future of Technology Goertek helped organize 2016 China Electronic Components Industry Summit_Company News_News_Goertek


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Explore the Future of Technology Goertek helped organize 2016 China Electronic Components Industry Summit

Publisher :Goertek   Issuing Time :2016-07-14   Source :Goertek  

As 2016 is the first year of the 13th Five-Year Plan, in order to strengthen communication and cooperation among the key enterprises of electronic components industry, analyzing the development of Chinese electronic components industry for the 13th Five-Year Plan, promoting the electronic components industry to make structural adjustment, steady growth, innovation and profitable growth. China Electronic Components Association, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology - Operation Monitoring and Coordination Bureau and Electronic Information Division jointly organized the "China Electronic Components Industry Association - 7th executive council" and "2016 China Electronic Components Industry summit (CECIS 2016)" on July 14th in Qingdao.

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